
武汉站与城市公共交通接驳系统研究 被引量:2

An Analysis of the Connection System Between Wuhan Station and Urban Public Transportation
摘要 随着武广高铁的开通,武汉步入了"高铁时代"。高铁作为一种高速化、大容量的公共交通工具,必然要求简单明了的交通流线组织和快速综合的交通换乘系统与之相匹配。该文以武汉站与公共交通的接驳系统为研究对象,基于对国内外高铁站建设的相关理论和实例的研究,以及对武汉站及周边配套设施进行的现场调查,分析了武汉站与现有的三种公共交通方式(常规公交、出租车、高铁巴士)接驳存在的不足,建议接驳系统从人的基本需求出发,合理组织换乘流线和满足多种换乘方式需求,以提高武汉站的换乘效率和换乘舒适性。 Recently, Wuhan has already stepped into the "High-Speed Rail" era, with the completion of Wuhan-Ouangzhou high-speed rail construction. As a fast-speed, large-capacity public transport, high-speed rail needs easy traffic flow line organization and rapid comprehensive transfer system to match its efficiency. This paper focuses on the connection system between Wuhan Station and public transportation. Based on a research of the related theories and the construction of high-speed rail stations home and abroad, as well as the investigation of Wuhan Station and surrounding facilities, this paper lists the shortcomings in the connection system between Wuhan Station and three kinds of public transports(conventional bus, taxi and high- speed rail bus). Finally it suggests the connection system should develop with a consideration of human needs, rationally organize transfer line and provide multiple transportation ways to improve transfer efficiency and amenity.
作者 叶杉 徐碧艳
出处 《华中建筑》 2013年第11期111-116,共6页 Huazhong Architecture
关键词 高铁 公共交通 接驳系统 换乘 High-speed rail, Public transportation, Connection system, Transfer
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