30 5小汽轮机组振动原因主要有 2个 :制造工艺没有保证轴系的平衡 ;轴承设计没有考虑小转子体轻和非接触式测振的特点 ,而采用对轴颈约束强制轴承结构。因此 ,使转子相对振动值很大。考虑到振动力与约束力关系来分析振动的原因。同时提出可供选择的减小相对振幅值的几项参考方案。
There are two main reasons for the vibration of small turbines such as Model 305: the balance of shaft system is not ensured by manufacturing process; restraints on the journal are adopted to strengthen the bearing structure without considering the feature of the less weight of the small rotor and non-contacted side-vibration while making bearing design, which results in the bigger relative vibration value. Based on the contradiction between restraint and vibrating force, the vibration causes are analyzed and several options are put forward for reference to decrease the amplitude of vibration.
Turbine Technology