Assessment of the Influence of Paper Insulation on the Discharge Initiation in Oil
Assessment of the Influence of Paper Insulation on the Discharge Initiation in Oil
The results of the assessment of the influence of paper insulation on the discharge initiation in oil were presented in this paper. This assessment based on the results of performed experimental works and on the analysis of electrical field distribution. Both types of the studies were connected with the model HV (high voltage) electrode setups covered by paper and immersed in oil. Experimental works indicated that the source of "weak points" of paper-oil model electrode setup is oil, not the surface of metal or insulation wrapping. Such hypothesis, resulting mainly from the measured times to initiations of discharges developing from bare and insulated HV electrodes, was verified by the analysis of electrical field distribution performed on the basis of finite element method applied in the COMSOL Multiphysics software. This analysis confirmed preliminary the made hypothesis. Correlation with the most stressed oil volume law was also observed.
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