Currently, prestack reverse-time migration is the most accurate imaging method for seismic data in seismic prospecting domain. It extrapolating the wave field with the two-way acoustic wave equation, and it can image complex geological structure accurately. The cross-correlation imaging condition is used for the imaging of source wavefield and receiver wavefield at the same time in the paper. For computationally intensive problems of RTM,we introduce the graphics processing unit (GPU) into RTM algorithm, and exploit the multicore advantages of GPU. In this paper, we use the parallel acceleration algorithm base on the CUDA architecture to replace the serial computation on the traditional CPU and accelerate the process of the wavefield extrapolation and cross-correlation imaging in reverse time migration. The test on complex modeling show that we can achieve imaging result for complex medium with high efficiency and precision by pre-stack reverse time migration algorithm base on GPU acceleration. Under the premise of ensuring the calculation accuracy of the RTM, comparing with the traditional CPU calculation,GPU parallel acceleration algorithm can improve the computational efficiency greatly.
Computer Systems & Applications