目的 分析肿瘤专科医院门诊中抗肿瘤辅助药物的使用情况及用药趋势,为指导临床合理用药提供依据.方法 查阅医院放疗科以及化疗科2012年1~12月的门诊处方,统计抗肿瘤辅助药的消耗数据并结合用药频度(DDDs)、日均费用(DDC)、金额构成等进行对比分析.结果 医院门诊抗肿瘤辅助药的使用中,胸腺五肽用药频度占第1位,唑来膦酸日均费用占第1位,中药制剂金额构成比排第1位.结论 该院门诊抗肿瘤辅助药应用趋势合理,与医院性质及医疗任务相一致,用药向着安全、高效、经济的方向发展.
Objective To analyze the characteristics and the development trend of antitumor assistant drugs in outpa- tient department of specialized hospital and provide references for clinical rational administration. Methods Using the de- fined daily dose as the study unit to make statistic analysis of antitumor assistant drugs used in Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy departments of our hospital from January to December in 2012 in respect of the amount of drugs,consumption sum,DDDs,DDC and order ratio. Results The maximum of DDDs was from thymopentin and the maximum of DDC was from zoledronie acid, the consumption sum of Chinese traditional drugs had dominated the f'wst palce. Conclusion The utilization of antitumor as- sistant drugs in outpatient department of our hospital was basically reasonable and was consistent with the nature and medical task of our hospital. Selecting the drugs ,which are safer,more effective and cost-effective,is as the developing trends of antitu- mor assistant drugs administration.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rational Drug Use