
制度碎片和领导力缺失:全球环境治理双赤字研究 被引量:25

Institutional Fragmentation and Inadequate Leadership:The Twin Deficits of Global Environmental Governance and Its Implications
摘要 1992年里约会议、2002年约翰内斯堡会议和2012年"里约+20"会议等三次可持续发展峰会促成了全球环境治理的政治意愿,形成了全球环境治理模式,全球治理权力结构随之发生重要变化。另外,在国际金融危机和气候变化双重影响下,全球治理机制、领导和组织方式也在不断发生变化,全球治理制度日益碎片化。全球环境治理涵盖世界各国的生存、经济和政治等三个层面,涉及联合国、主权国家和非政府组织等多元行为体,有效的全球治理须通过统一和整合的战略政策来解决集体环境问题。领导力缺乏和制度碎片化导致人类无法有效地协同应对环境危机。 The 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro,2002 Johannesburg Declaration at the World Summit on Sustainable Development,and 2012 Rio+20 Summit fostered the political will for global environmental governance.A model of global environmental governance was established andas a consequence the power structure of global governance was also changed.On the other hand,against the background of global financial crisis and climate change,the mechanisms,leadership and organizational modes of global governance have also evolved continuously and global governance institutions are increasingly fragmented.Global environmental governance touches upon the survival,economics and politics of all states and concerns an array of actors such as the United Nations,sovereign states,and Non-Governmental Organizations(NGOs),so it entails a united and integrative strategy to solve the collective environmental issues.
出处 《国际政治研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期38-51,7-8,共14页 The Journal of International Studies
基金 “十二五”国家科技支撑计划“气候变化谈判综合问题的关键技术研究”(2012BAC20B02)的阶段性成果 国家社科重大课题“中国参与全球治理的三重体系构建研究”(项目编号:12&ZD082)的阶段性成果
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