
美国文理学院:变革中的精英高校 被引量:17

American Liberal Arts Colleges:Elite Higher Education Institutions in Transformation
摘要 在美国高等教育的学院时代,文理学院拥有主导性的精英地位。当美国高等教育进入大学时代之后,文理学院仍然保有精英特色,但其主导性地位逐渐转变为基础性地位。学生不愿意来或负担不起,是当今美国文理学院面临的严峻挑战。拓展资源渠道,保持财务健康,扩大对外宣传,增加招生人数,加强专业教育,推动对外合作与联盟发展,是其当务之急和常用的应对策略。美国文理学院正通过变革以应对挑战,同时在变革中又有所坚守。 Liberal arts colleges had elite status as leading institutions of American higher education in the age of college. After American higher education entered the age of universi- ty, the status of liberal arts colleges changed to be fundamental while preserving the charac- teristics of elite higher education institutions. Students are unwilling to come or unable to pay tuition, which are the serious challenges faced by American liberal arts colleges. The strategies commonly used by them to meet the challenges are to expand channels of re- sources, stay financial healthy, generate more publicity for themselves to the outside world, increase enrollment, improve professional education, and to enhance their development by cooperating and forming close alignments with other organizations. While they are transfor- ming themselves to meet the challenges, they are working hard to preserve many historical traditions in transformation.
作者 雷洪德
出处 《高等教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第10期89-95,共7页 Journal of Higher Education
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(2012WQN041)
关键词 文理学院 美国高等教育 学院时代 大学时代 liberal arts colleges American higher education the age of college the ageof university
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