The rod-like and bundle-like v-LiV205 were synthesized via a simple solvothermal process- ing. The rod-like 7-LiV205 with diameter of 500-800 nm and the bundle-like architectures are composed of several of order-attached rods with diameter of 100-600 nm. "y-LiV205 were synthesized using LiOH.H20, NH4VO3, HNO3, C2H5OH without and with PVP as raw materials. At the same time, the actual formation mechanism of Y-LiV205 was also investigated. As the cathode materials for lithium ion batteries, the bundle-like Y-LiV205 prepared with PVP delivers a better electrochemical performance, which has an initial dis charge capacity of 269.3 mAh/g at a current density of 30 mA/g and is still able to achieve 228 mAh/g after the 20th cycle. The good electrochemical properties of the as-synthesized Y-LiV205 coupled with the simple, relatively low temperature, and low cost of the prepara tion method may make this material a promising candidate as a cathode material for lithium ion batteries.