Objective: To evaluate high temperature resistant ability of the Arabidopsis heat shock transcription factor AtHsfA9 in transgenic tobacco. Methods: A genomic fragment containing the ORF of Arabidopais heat shock transcription factor (AtHsfA9) was cloned by PCR amplification, and homozygous transgenic tobacco lines over expressing the construct At2S3 :AtHsfA9 with the seed s 文章编号: 1004-7115 (2013) 08-0561-04peeifie promoter At2S3 were generated. At 45℃ heat shock treatment of wild type Arabidopsis, the expression of heat shock transcription factor AtHsfA9was observed and the changes of root length were observed. Results: In Arabidopsis, after treatment under 45℃ for 0.5h, lh, 2h, 3h, 4h and 5h, the expression level of AtHsfA9 was induced 4.5, 6.2, 15.0, 34.6, 27.0 and 10.4-fold compared with WT, respoctively, indicating that AtHsfA9 was responsive to heat stress. In tobacco, after treatment under 45℃ for 12h, compared with WT, the difference of root length of At2S3 : :AtHsfA9 transgenic lines was lower, indicating that At2S3 : :AtHsfA9 transgenie lines showed resistance to heat stress. Conclusion: These results suggest that, the heat shock transcription factor AtHsfA9 has the capacity of improving the resistance to high temperature of crop seeds in transgenic tobacco.
Journal of Taishan Medical College