根据结核杆菌 ( TB) DNA的提取、耐热性多聚酶 ( Taq酶 )活性、结核 L-型细菌的形成、变异、污染等 ,阐述了 TB- DNA多聚酶链式反应 ( Polymerase ChainReaction,PCR)检测中假阴性、假阳性出现的原因及内在规律 ,并提出了相应的改进措施。
Various causes and mechanisms were summed up both of false\|positive and false\|negative results through these aspects of DNA\|extraction, Taq\|DNA polymerase activity, formation of TB L\|type bacterium, variation and pollution,et al, in Mycobacterium tuberculosis\|DNA\|PCR detection system. In view of these, some measures for improvement were suggested.
Journal of Gansu Sciences