

Elements Affecting L2 Oral Production Fluency: Language Situation and Learning Motivation
摘要 通过对大学生在不同语言环境中英语口语产出情况进行实验研究,发现:语言环境会对说话者的学习动机产生影响,而学习动机与口语产出的自然停顿长度和非自然停顿频率紧密相关;语言环境过于紧张或过于随便会影响学习者的任务动机,造成其口语产出错误增多,进而影响口语流利程度;真实、自然的语言交际环境有助于说话者将任务动机调整到合适的程度,从而提高口语产出的流利程度。 This study investigates college English students' L2 oral production fluency in different language situation.The results indicate that language situation can influence students' learning motivation,and learning motivation has close relationship with of natural pause length and unnatural pause frequency;too tense or too loose language situation can affect students' task motivation,which may lead to the increase of L2 oral production mistakes,and thus affects oral production fluency;real and natural L2 language situation can help students adjust their task motivation to the decent degree,and thus improve oral production fluency.
作者 王君 颜艳
出处 《河北联合大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第6期199-201,共3页 Journal of Hebei Polytechnic University:Social Science Edition
基金 常熟理工学院教学改革指导项目(ZD11012010)阶段性成果 常熟理工学院大学生学术科技基金资助项目:"社会实践活动对英语专业学生交际能力及未来职业发展的影响"
关键词 语言环境 学习动机 停顿 口语流利性 Language situation Learning motivation Pause Oral production fluency
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