高等学校的实验教学是教学工作的一个重要环节 ,而“双基”实验室又是实施实验教学的基本场所 .对“双基”实验室的评估 ,达到了“以评促建、促管、促改、促上水平”的目的 .随着教改的不断深入和素质教育的推进 ,如何加强实验教学 ,培养学生的实验能力、创新能力、动手能力和综合素质 ,在实验教学中引入现代教育技术和教学手段 ,提高教学质量 ,将变得越来越重要 .
The experiment teaching of the Higher Education is an important part.And the “two basic”lab is a place to do the work.The evaluation of the“tow basic”lab has the purpose of improvement,management,establishment and so on.With the pushing forward of teaching reform and quality education,it is getting more and more imperative to introduce modern techniques in the experiment.Then the studentsability in doing experiments can be gained.
Journal of Yunnan University of The Nationalities(Natural Sciences Edition)