
儿童单纯性肥胖小鼠模型的制作 被引量:1

Establishment of a mouse model of childhood simple obesity
摘要 目的通过调整窝仔数的方法建立幼儿单纯性肥胖模型,并与高脂饲料制备模型进行比较。方法48只雌性KM小鼠产仔鼠后,一半仔鼠数目为14~16只,一半仔鼠调整为6只(雌雄各3只)。仔鼠离乳时或第9周时仔鼠分别饲喂普通饲料或高脂饲料。仔鼠在15周后处死,称重,测量体长、腰围,生殖器重、脂肪重(肾周和生殖器周脂肪),计算体脂比。结果①BD2组常规饲料饲喂至15周结束后,无论雌雄仔鼠,其体重与BD1组比较差异均有显著性(P<0.05),且BD2组体重超过BD1组体重雌性为26.3%,雄性为20.0%。同一处理方式,雌性仔鼠体脂比均高于雄性。②不同时间饲喂高脂饲料,无论调整窝仔数与否,高脂饲料各组仔鼠,无论雌雄,其各组仔鼠体重均比BD1组高(P均<0.05);HFD4组雌性和雄性仔鼠体重与BD2组相比差异均存在显著性(P<0.05)。结论通过调整窝仔数的方法可以成功制备儿童单纯性肥胖模型。在儿童早期肥胖的情况下,成年后过度高脂饮食会导致机体储存更多的脂肪。 Objective To establish a mouse model of childhood simple obesity by adjusting the litter size of off- springs, and compare with the high fat diet-induced obesity model. Methods Forty-eight female and 24 male Kunming (KM) mice were used in this study. After farrowing, the litter size of half of their offsprings remained 14 to 16 pups, and the others were adjusted to 6 pups (3 male and 3 female). Pups were fed with basic diet and high fat at 4- or 9-week of age and continued to the fifteen week. Body weight, body length, waist circumference, weight of genital organ, and fat weight (including perirenal fat and genital organ fat) were weighed and the ratio of body fat was calculated. Results ①There was a significant difference in the female or male body weight between the basic diet group 1 ( BD1 ) and basic diet group 2 (BD2) fed with the basic diet for 15 weeks (P 〈 0.05). The body weight of the BD1 group was 26.3% (female) and 20% (male) higher than that of the BD2 group. The ratio of body fat of females in each group was higher than that of males treated with the same diet. ② No matter how the diet was changed or whether the litter size was adjusted or not, the body weight of both male and female newborn rats fed with high fat diet were higher than that of the BD1 group ( all P 〈 0. 05). The body weight of female and male offsprings in the high fat diet group 4 (HFD4) was significantly higher than that of the BD2 group (all P 〈 0.05). Conelusions Mouse model of childhood simple obesity can be successfully prepared by adjusting the litter size. The adult animals, which got simple obesity in their childhood, taking high fat diet will lead to store more fat in their body.
出处 《中国实验动物学报》 CAS CSCD 2013年第5期69-73,F0003,共6页 Acta Laboratorium Animalis Scientia Sinica
基金 安徽医科大学校博士科研资助经费(XJ200906)
关键词 幼儿肥胖 单纯性肥胖 动物模型 KM小鼠 Childhood obesity Obesity Animal model KM
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