
深圳市盐田河、葵涌河藁杆双脐螺分布状况及其生态学研究 被引量:12

Investigation on distribution and ecology of Biomphalaria straminea in Yan-Tian and Kui-Chong rivers in Shenzhen
摘要 目的了解深圳市盐田河、葵涌河曼氏血吸虫中间宿主藁杆双脐螺的分布现状及其生态环境.为制定查灭螺对策提供科学依据。方法分别在盐田河、葵涌河目标河流的上、中、下游布点调查,圆形纱布捞网捕捞收集发现的螺体,实验室形态鉴定螺种。在捕捉螺的同时记录孳生河流生态环境、植被、水温、流速、pH值等。结果在盐田河的上、中游发现中等至较低密度的藁杆双脐螺,葵涌河下游查见藁杆双脐螺密度高;水质较好且缓流、水草丰富、腐植较多的水体环境,水温约16~25℃,藁杆双脐螺生长良好,数量多,平均螺体较大。结论藁杆双脐螺在深盐田河及葵涌河部分河段广泛存在,水体环境适宜藁杆双脐螺生长繁殖。 Objective To understand the distribution and ecological environment of Biomphalaria straminea,the intermediate host of Schistosoma mansoni, in Yan-Tian river and Kui-Chong river in Shenzhen, so as to provide scientific basis for strategy to search and destroy Biomphalaria straminea. Methods Several investigation spots located in the upstream,midstream and downstream of the Yan-Tian and Kui-Chong rivers Were chosen for the study.The freshwater snails were collected by Circular gauze for laboratory morphological identification, and the breeding environment of snails such as vegetation,water temperature,flow rate and pH were recorded. Results Moderate and low density of the Biomphalaria straminea was found in the upstream and midstream of Yan-Tian river and high density in the downstream of Kui-Chong river.In the breeding areas ,the water was clean with little pollution, slow flow, and rich of plants and humic substances,and water temperature was about 16-25℃ ,where Biomphalaria straminea grew and reproduced fast,and average size was big. Conclusions Biomphalaria straminea was widespread in many reaches of Yan-Tian river and Kui- Chong river. Water environment of the rivers was suitable for growth and reproduction of the Biomphalaria straminea.
出处 《热带医学杂志》 CAS 2013年第10期1276-1278,共3页 Journal of Tropical Medicine
关键词 藁杆双脐螺 分布现状 盐田河 葵涌河 Biomphalaria straminea distribution Yan-Tian river Kui-Chong river
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