
儿童节段型白癜风的临床特点分析 被引量:1

Clinical analysis of segmental vitiligo in children
摘要 目的了解儿童节段型白癜风的临床特点及其病情变化。方法采用问卷调查方法收集2011年10月至2012年7月于我科门诊就诊的170例儿童节段型白癜风患者的临床流行病学资料,对照组为发病年龄在18岁以上的174例成人节段型白癜风患者。用SPSS16.0软件包对资料进行分析。结果儿童节段型白癜风患者170例,其中男108例占63.5%,女62例占36.5%,男女性别比例与成年患者组相比,差异有统计学意义(r=14.44,P〈0.05)。82.9%的儿童患者以局限型起病,成人患者为76.4%。儿童患者中76.5%半年内由局限型发展成节段型,成人为63.9%。在以局限型起病的患者中,进展半年后稳定的儿童患者占71.6%,成人患者为67.3%;以节段型起病的患者中,进展1个月后稳定的儿童患者占62.1%,成人患者为41.5%,两组比较,r=8.39,P〈0.01。44.1%的儿童患者初发于头面部,成人患者为56.9%。以单一神经节段起病的儿童患者占94.7%,成人患者为86.8%,两组比较,r=0.04,P〉0.05。儿童患者伴白发(r=15.88,P〈0.01)、自身免疫性疾病(#=5.62,P〈0.05)、有白癜风家族史的比例(r=6.66,P=0.01)均低于成年患者组。结论儿童节段型白癜风以男性多见,主要以局限型起病,70%以上的患者进展半年后病情稳定。 Objective To analyze the clinical features and evolution of segmental vitiligo in children. Methods A standardized questionnaire was used to clinically investigate segmental vitiligo in 170 children aged 〈 or = 12 years and 174 adults with an age of onset 〉 18 years. Data analysis was done by the software SPSS16.0. Results The female to male ratio was 108 : 62 in the 170 child patients, significantly different from that in the adult patients (X^2 = 14.44, P 〈 0.05 ). Localized vitiligo occurred as the initial presentation in 82.9% (141/170) of the children and 76.4% (133/174) of the adults, and progressed into segmental vitiligo in half a year in 76.5% of the 141 children and 63.9% of the 133 adults. Vitiligo entered the quiescent stage after half-a-year progression in 71.6% of the children and 67.3% of the aduhs with localized vitiligo as the initial presentation, and after one-month progression in 62.1% of the children and 41.5% of the adults with segmental vitiligo as the first presentation (X2 = 8.39, P 〈 0.01 ). Head and face were affected at the onset of segmental vitiligo in 44.1% of the childhood cases and 56.9% of the adult cases. Single nerve segments were involved at the onset in 94.7% of the child patients and 86.8% of the adult patients (X^2 = 0.04, P 〉 0.05). The proportions of patients with white hairs, autoimmune diseases, and family history were significantly lower in the child patients than in the adult patients (X^2 = 15.88, 5.62, 6.66 respectively, all P 〈 0.05). Conclusions Childhood-onset segmental vitiligo shows a predilection for males, usually presents as localized vitiligo at the onset, and becomes quiescent after half-a-year progression in more than 70% of patients.
出处 《中华皮肤科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第11期826-828,共3页 Chinese Journal of Dermatology
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