通过核磁共振碳谱(13 C-NMR)、凝胶渗透色谱(GPC)、差示扫描量热(DSC)和哈克流变仪等分析手段,研究了共聚单体丁烯-1、抗氧剂形态、氢气和氟弹性体加工助剂对双峰聚乙烯管材树脂(JHMGC100S)产品结构和性能的影响。研究结果表明,增加丁烯-1用量,可以提高产品的耐环境应力开裂和耐慢速裂纹增长性能。加入颗粒状抗氧剂有利于稳定产品的氧化诱导期。提高产品的相对分子质量,有利于提高产品的静液压强度。当每千克JHMGC1005中加入200mg氟弹性体时,可以提高JHMGC100S的加工性能,改善管材成品的外观。工艺优化后产品的加工性能有了明显提高。
The effect of the copolymer 1-butene,the form of anti-oxidants,hydrogen and fluoroelastomer plastic processing additive(PPA)on the structure and properties of J HMGC100S were studied by means of gel permeation chromatography(GPC),13C nuclear magnetic resonance(13C-NMR),differential scanning calorimetry(DSC)and HAAKE rheometer.The results showed that the environmental stress cracking resistance (ESCR)and the resistance to slow crack growth(SCG)of JHMGC100S was improved with the dosage of 1-butene.And the anti-oxidants particle was favorable for the stability of the oxidation induction time(OIT)of JHMGC100S.addition of static hydraulic pressure strength of JHMGC100S was increased by the improvement of the relative molecular weight of JHMGC100S.When the amount of fluoroelastomer was 200 mg/kg,the appearance and processibility of the PE pipe were improved.The advantage on the processibility of the optimized product became increasingly obvious.
China Elastomerics