对水中弹性球壳的低频覆盖层消声效果和消声机理进行研究。声斗篷(Acoustic cloak)是各向异性的超常材料,根据有效介质近似理论(Effective MediumApproximationTheory),采用各向同性多层介质近似各向异性材料的声斗篷,推导出覆盖多层介质水中弹性球壳散射声场的解析表达式,计算了弹性球壳覆盖多层介质前后的散射形态函数、谐振模态以及声场分布,分析了覆盖前后球壳的声散射特性和声传播机理。研究表明,覆盖层内的声波在多层介质之间的声传播方向发生改变,声场形成弯曲变形,声能流绕过目标,这不仅极大的降低了低频散射强度,而且使到达弹性体表面的声场强度非常小,散射频响中除了0阶子波产生的第一个谐振峰外,无法激发弹性球壳的其它谐振模态,有效的抑制弹性球壳的谐振散射。
The anechoic performance and mechanism of underwater elastic sphere shell covered with coating is studied at low frequency. The acoustic cloak must be anisotropic material, which is designed with homogeneous isotropic materials on the basis of effective medium approximation theory. The analytic expression of scattering sound field from underwater elastic sphere shell covered with multilayered medium is formulated. The scattering form function, resonance mode, acoustic field distribution of elastic sphere shell covered and uncovered with multilayered medium is computed. And the sound scattering characteristics and mechanism of transmission are analyzed. The results show that inside the multilayered medium, the direction of transmission is changed, the acoustic field is gradually deflected, and the acoustic energy flux is guided around the target, which reduce the scattering intensity at lower frequency, but also the acoustic intensity of target's surface is very weak. Excepting the first resonance peak in spectrum produced by zero order subwave, the other resonance modes of elastic sphere shell are not excitated and the multilayered medium has suppression of sphere shell resonance.
Acta Acustica