

On English Varieties in the Chinese Language Context from the Interlanguage Hypothesis
摘要 英语在其国际化定位过程中既经历自身语言特征的稳定也遭遇各地语言正负两面的迁移。非英语国家当地的语言对英语产生的过渡变体会逐渐僵化,但科学合理的变体能让本土化英语最终形成被认可的世界英语(World Englishes)。本文拟以我国为例,描述汉语言使用者在学习和使用英语过程中面临的变体现象,并用第二语言习得的中介语假说理论分析汉语语境中的洋泾浜英语(Pidgin)、中式英语(Chinglish)、中国英语(China English),从而提高我国英语学习者的学习效能,使之尽快掌握标准英语并能正确使用属世界英语范畴的中国英语。 English, with its internationalization, has experienced the process of both keeping its originality and being localized. The local languages and cultures across the world have influenced English, leading to its varieties. It has been found that the transiting variety can be fossilized with the time gone, but the systematic one can stay and contribute to World Englishes. This paper took China as a case by describing English varieties in the Chinese language context, analyzed Pidgin, Chinglish, and Chi- na English from the perspective of Interlanguage Hypothesis, so as to improve the efficiency of English language learning, help the learners to command the Standard English and make better use of China English.
作者 陈玥茜
出处 《贵州师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第5期152-155,共4页 Journal of Guizhou Normal University(Social Sciences)
关键词 英语变体 世界英语 汉语语境 中介语假说 洋泾浜英语 中式英语 中国英语 English varieties World Englishes the Chinese language context Interlanguage Hypothesis Pidgin Chingtish China English
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