
TOPKAPI模型的应用及与新安江模型的比较研究 被引量:8

Application of TOPKAPI Model and Comparison with Xin'anjiang Model
摘要 为更好地满足气候变化和人类活动影响下的水文研究,流域水文模型已从集总式趋势扩展到半分布式或分布式模型趋势。为此,探讨基于物理基础的分布式水文模型在中小流域洪水模拟的合理性。选用基于物理基础的分布式流域水文模型TOPKAPI做研究,并与新安江模型在结构和洪水特征值等方面进行比较分析。两种模型应用于呈村流域进行洪水模拟计算的结果表明,两种模型模拟精度差异不大,结果均比较满意,可应用于洪水预报、土地利用和环境影响评价和无资料地区水文模拟计算等。 Abstract: In order to achieve the hydrological research under the influence of climate change and human activities, the watershed hydrological model has been extended from the lumped to the semi---distributed or distributed model. The rationality of physical- based distributed hydrological models on flood simulation of medium and small watersheds is discussed herein. The TOPKAPI is a physical based distributed hydrologic model, which is selected as tool to simulate flood and compared with Xin'anjiang model in model structure and flood characteristic values. Two kinds of model are applied to the flood simulation of Chengcun Watershed. The simulation results show that two models are satisfactory in accuracy and have little difference. The TOPKAPI model can be used in flood forecast, land use, environmental impact assessment and ungauged hydrological simulation calculation.
出处 《水力发电》 北大核心 2013年第11期6-10,共5页 Water Power
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(41130639 51179045 41101017) 国家博士点基金资助项目(20090094110005)
关键词 关键词 TOPKAPI模型 新安江模型 洪水模拟 呈村流域 Key Words: TOPKAPI model Xin'anjiang model flood simulation Chengcun Watershed
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