利用共沉淀法合成了次磷酸铝(Al(H2PO2)3)、次磷酸镧(La(H2PO2)3)和次磷酸铈(Ce(H2PO2)3),并通过红外光谱分析仪(FTIR)、X射线衍射仪(XRD)和扫描电镜(SEM)对其进行表征。将制备的次磷酸盐应用于聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯(PBT),研究了其对PBT的阻燃性能、热分解行为的影响,并通过热重-质谱联用(TGMS)探讨了阻燃机理。结果表明:当次磷酸盐用量为25%时,阻燃PBT的极限氧指数(LOI)明显提高,添加La(H2PO2)3和Al(H2PO2)3的PBT的垂直燃烧等级分别达到UL 94V-0和V-1级;另外,Al(H2PO2)3的加入可促进PBT形成更稳定的炭层,并减少气相产物的生成量。
Aluminum hypophosphite, lanthanum hypophosphite monohydrate and cerium hypophosphite monohydrate were synthesized through coprecipitation method, and characterized through X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The effects of flame retardant and thermal decomposition behavior of PBT system containing hypophosphite were researched, and the flame retardant mechanism was also investigated by TG-MS. The results show that: the LOI of fiame-retardant PBT increases obviously when the content of hypophosphite is 25%. The vertical scale of burning grade of PBT reaches to UL 94V-1 and V-0 respectively when AHP and LHP are added into PBT at a total loading of 25%. The hypophosphite can promote PBT to form more stable char layers and reduce the amount of released gas.
Plastics Science and Technology