
渔业公共信托原则在美国的发展及其对中国的借鉴 被引量:1

On the Development of Fishery Public Trust Doctrine and its Borrowing for China
摘要 渔业资源的法律属性引起了西方渔业法学界的热烈讨论。渔业资源的公共财产的本质属性导致竞争性捕捞,催生了渔业公地悲剧。美国承继了英国普通法上的公共信托制度并通过本土的判例法,将公共信托原则适用于渔业资源的养护与管理领域。渔业公共信托原则在美国的发展具有渐进性和扩张性。我国1986年《渔业法》固守以捕捞许可为基本手段的行政管理模式,没有引入基于市场的管理方法,缺乏一定的灵活性。本文建议我国修订《渔业法》时,对美国渔业公共信托原则进行本土化改造,使之成为保障我国渔业资源可持续发展的理论基础。 The legal nature of fishery resource has been a heated topic in Western academic cir cle. The common property feature of fishery resource led to the race to fish and the Tragedy of the Commons. After borrowing from British Public Trust in common law and shaping of US case law, this Public Trust Principle applied to fishery field for its conservation and management. The expan ding and gradual development has been eminent feature of Public Trust Principle. The Fishery Act of 1986 has been founded on the administrative means of fishing licenses and no market-based means have been used and there is no flexibility. When amending this Act we should borrow from US expe rience and reform Fishery Public Trust Principle and make it the theoretical basis for our sustainable development of our fishery resource.
作者 张艾妮
出处 《时代法学》 2013年第5期104-110,共7页 Presentday Law Science
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年项目"海洋渔业资源养护与管理的法律问题研究"(批准号:09YJC820018)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 渔业资源 渔业公共信托原则 渔业管理 :fishery resource fishery public trust principle fishery management
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