

The empirical analysis of the relationship between flow and customer loyalty in the network environment
摘要 心流是说明网络环境中顾客行为的主要理论,以心流为顾客忠诚度的主要影响因素,以承诺为中介变量,通过对延边网络游戏市场的实证分析,明确心流与顾客忠诚度之间的关系。 Flow is the main theory of indicating the customer behavior in the network environment. There- fore the research make flow as the main factors of affecting customer loyalty and make commitment as the mediating variable to clear the relationship between flow and customer loyalty through empirical analysis.
出处 《延边大学农学学报》 2013年第3期262-267,共6页 Agricultural Science Journal of Yanbian University
基金 延边大学科研项目(2011800)
关键词 心流 顾客忠诚度 承诺 网络游戏 flow customer loyalty commitment online games
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