经过 2 0多年的努力 ,国产化非晶合金配电变压器条件已经成熟 ,国产化非晶合金材料和铁芯生产基地已经建立 ,利用国产化铁芯已经设计出油浸式三相和单相、干式三相和单相非晶合金配电变压器系列。为了进一步降低非晶合金配电变压器的成本 ,提高性能 ,对非晶合金材料提出了提高工作磁通密度、增加填充系数、适当降低脆性、减少磁致伸缩系数等要求。
The conditions for localization of amorphous alloy distributing transformer is matured after 20 years development, and the production base for localized amorphous alloy material and iron core is established. A series of oil-immersion and dry three-phase and single-phase amorphous alloy distributing transformer is designed. In order to further reduce the cost and improve the performance, to increase flux density and fill factor, and properly reduce the brittleness and magnetostriction coefficient are required.
Metallic Functional Materials