
一种基于ACOT的高效降压型DC/DC变换器 被引量:1

A High Efficiency Buck DC/DC Converter Based on Adaptive Constant On-Time
摘要 采用自适应恒定导通时间(Adaptive Constant On-Time,ACOT)控制模式,设计了一种高效的降压型DC/DC变换器。该电路结构简单,无需进行环路补偿,具有瞬态响应快、在全负载段内转换效率高、频率集中等优点。基于0.6μm 16VCD工艺,对设计的降压型DC/DC变换器进行仿真验证。结果表明,该变换器在轻载下的效率高于83%;在全负载范围内,最高效率达到97%;系统的工作频率不随输入电源电压变化,具有快速的瞬态响应速度。 A high efficiency buck DC/DC converter was presented based on adaptive constant on-time (ACOT) control mode. With simple controller and no loop compensation, the circuit featured rapid transient response, very high conversion efficiency in full load range, and frequency concentration. Simulation was made based on 0. 6 μm 16 V CD process. Results showed that the converter had a conversion efficiency above 83% at light load, and a maximum efficiency up to 97% was achieved in full load range. Moreover, with a very fast transient response, the converter had a constant operating frequency, which did not change with input supply voltage.
出处 《微电子学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期499-503,共5页 Microelectronics
关键词 DC DC变换器 自适应恒定导通时间 降压型变换器 DC-DC converter Adaptive constant on-time Buck converter
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