桥式起重机的抓斗使用双手柄操作,采用时间继电器方式控制,线路结构复杂,故障频率高。通过改用施耐德逻辑控制器ZELIO LOGIC及对控制线路的优化设计,解决了电机未启动前转子已完成切除电阻的隐患。在实践中证明:改进后的控制系统安全有效、运行稳定,接触器触点接触稳定良好,大大减少了故障率,提高了行车的工作效率。
The bridge cranes which with double handle operation and time relay mode control, has complicated circuit structure and high failure frequency. Through using the Schneider ZELIO LOGIC and optimization design of control circuit, to solve the problem of rotor has been completed cutting resistance before the motor does not start. Proved in practice: safe and effective and running stabili- ty of the improved control system, good and stable of contaetor tip, greatly reducing the failure rate, and improving the working efficien-cy of the bridge crane.
Copper Engineering