基于6S传输模型,本文利用中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)数据并结合较新的NASA的V5.2气溶胶业务反演算法,以上海市MODIS数据为研究数据源,结合晴朗天气(晴朗且无云或云稀薄)与AERONET发布的探测日(即发布AOD探测值日期)选取8组MODIS LIB数据集,对其进行气溶胶厚度反演。同时将反演结果与AERONET架设在太湖区域点(31N,120E)的太阳光度观测的光学厚度进行验证。结果表明:V5.2反演算法结果与观测值呈现相同的变化趋势,反演值与观测值误差不大,在气溶胶光学厚度反演中具有较好的应用。
Based on transmission model 6S, this paper uses the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) data com- bined with a new aerosol business inversion algorithm, VS. 2 of NASA , to retrieve the atmospheric aerosols optical depth. We take MODIS data in Shanghai as the research data, select 8 groups of MODIS LIB data set combined with Sunny weather( Sunny and cloud- less or thin cloud) and AERONET release detection date ( NASA release the date of detection value), and validate the retrieved results with the aerosol optical depth (AOD) of the solar luminosity observations erected in Taihu area (31N, 120E)by AERONET. The re- suits show that the VS. 2 inversion algorithm results and observations presented the same change trend. The retrieved results are nearly close to observed value, and the VS. 2 inversion algorithm has better application in aerosol optical thickness retrieval.
Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology