

Research of nitrification in coastal water of Meizhou Bay—— [^(15)N]ammonium oxidation method
摘要 本文利用15N-NH4+氧化法对湄洲湾近岸水体的硝化作用进行深入研究。结果表明,湄洲湾近岸水体硝化速率范围在0.51~4.60μmol·L-1·d-1。养殖区附近较高的硝化速率,有利于海水对NH4+-N污染物的自净作用,当水体硝化作用强烈时,水中的NO-3的浓度也随之升高,表明海水中NO-3主要来自于细菌的硝化作用。湄洲湾海水NH4+-N的周转时间在1~9 d,表层水体的NH4+-N转化时间高于底层水。硝化作用转化NH4+为NO-2,并最终转化为NO-3,减少了NH3-N及NH4+-N对近岸养殖系统中生物的危害。 These studies were conducted to estimate nitrification in coastal water of Meizhou Bay by [ 15N ] ammonium oxidation method. The nitrification rate of 0. 51 - 4.60 μmol . L-I . d-1 were recorded, and the higher nitrification rate in water close to aquaculture area were propitious to ammonium self - purification. Higher nitrification rate was observed at high NO3 concentration water column, which showed NO3- produced mostly from nitrification. The biological turnover times for NH~ were short (1 -9 d) in coastal water of Meizhou Bay with the longer turnover times in surface seawater. Nitrification transformed NH4 to NO2- , final to NO3 , reducing the harm to organisms of coastal aquaculture system resulted from NH3 -N and NH4 -N.
出处 《福建水产》 2013年第5期349-354,共6页 Journal of Fujian Fisheries
基金 福建省专项基金(2005021477) 福建省自然科学基金(D0610020)
关键词 硝化作用 ^15N-NH4^+氧化法 湄洲湾 nitrification [ 15N ] ammonium oxidation method Meizhou Bay
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