为减轻藻类对水厂常规处理工艺的影响,选用纳米催化电气浮工艺对某湖泊型水库原水进行去除藻类试验。结果表明:纳米催化电气浮工艺是一种广谱杀藻技术,以蓝藻为优势藻的原水经纳米催化电气浮最佳工艺处理后,藻密度的去除率最高可达99.1%。利用正交试验考察了电流密度、停留时间、电极间距对纳米催化电气浮工艺除藻效率的影响,其影响顺序为电流密度>停留时间>电极间距;综合经济因素考虑,最佳工艺条件是:电流密度为5 mA/cm2、停留时间为6 min、电极间距为10mm。
To reduce the negative effect of algae on conventional water treatment, the nanocatalytic - electro- flotation process was used to treat the lake water. The results indicated that, nanocatalytic - electroflotation process was a widely used technique to kill algae. Treated by nanocatalytic - electroflotation process, the con- centration removal rate of Cyanobacteria, which was the dominant algae in the lake water, was as high as 99. 1%. The effects of current density, residence time and electrode gap on algae removal efficiency were in- vestigated by means of orthogonal test. The results showed that the sequences of influential factors which af- fected the algae removal efficiency were as follows : current density 〉 residence time 〉 electrode gap. Consider- ing the comprehensive economic, the optimum process conditions were that current density was 5 mA/cm2, the residence time of 6 minutes, and electrode gap was 10 mm.
Journal of Fujian Fisheries
nanocatalytic - electroflotation
lake water
algae removal