为了探讨用皮褶厚度、体脂率法评价江淮地区汉族肥胖的标准,于2010年在安徽滁州和江苏淮安调查了1 426例(城市男性309例,乡村男性414例,城市女性312例,乡村女性391例)江淮汉族成年人的身高、体重、肱三头肌皮褶、肩胛下皮褶,通过身高、体重来计算身体质量指数(BMI),通过肱三头肌皮褶、肩胛下皮褶来计算体密度,采用Brozek公式计算体脂率.用BMI、皮褶厚度、体脂率分别评价江淮汉族成年人的肥胖率.结果表明:(1)江淮汉族男性BMI值为(24.1 ±3.6) kg/m2,女性BM1值为(23.8-3.6) kg/m2.用BMI法判断,江淮汉族超重率男性为34.7%,女性为30.7%;肥胖率男性为14.4%,女性为13.2%.(2)随年龄增长,肱三头肌皮褶、肩胛下皮褶值、BMI、体脂率增大,身高下降.(3)用长岭晋吉皮褶厚度法判断,江淮汉族肥胖率男性为39.8%,女性为30.4%.皮褶厚度法得出的肥胖率远远高于BMI法,两种方法存在较大矛盾.本研究认为用肱三头肌皮褶与肩胛下皮褶之和来判断中国人群肥胖的标准,男性应该在35~45 mm之间,女性应该在45~55 mm之间选取.(4)用长岭晋吉体脂率法作为判断肥胖的标准,肥胖率男性为43.3%,女性为5.3%.用体脂率和BMI法判断江淮汉族成年人的肥胖存在较大矛盾.长岭晋吉体脂率法男性标准定得太低;女性标准定得太高.本研究认为用体脂率来判断江淮地区汉族肥胖,男性以大于24%、女性以大于28%为宜.
In order to analyze the obesity evaluation standard of Jianghuai Han with skinfold thickness, body fat ratio methods, 1 426 cases including urban adults (309 male and 312 female) and rural adults (414 male and 391 female) were investigated in Chuzhou, Anhui province and Huaian, Jiangsu province. Statue and body weight were computed at the body mass index; triceps skinfold and subscapular skinfold were computed at the body fat rate. The results were as follows: (1)Male's BMI of Jianghuai Han was(24.1_+3.6) kg/m2, and female's BMI of Jianghuai Han was (23.8+3.6) kg/m2; The overweight rate of male and female were 34.7% and 30.7% separately, and the obesity evaluation standards of male and female were 14.4% and 13.2% separately by the BMI method. (2) With the age increased, the triceps skinfold, subseapular skinfold, body mass index and body fat ratio increased, while the stature decreased. (3) By the Nagamine Shinkiehi skinfoId thickness method, the obesity evaluation standard of male and female were 39.8% and 30.4% separately. The obesity rate by the skinfold thickness method was higher than that by the BM1 method. Skinfold thickness method and the BMI method had significant contradiction. By adding triceps skinfold and subscapular skinfold to judge obesity standard, the obesity rate in male should be 35-45 ram, which should be 45-55 mm for female. (4) The obesity evaluation standards of male and female was 43.3% and 5.3% separately by the Nagamine Shinkichi body fat ration method. Both fat ration method and the BMI method had significant contradiction. The obesity rate in the body fat ration method was higher than in the BMI method for the female, but lower for the male. So the obesity evaluation standard for male should be higher than 24% and for female should be higher than 28% appropriately.
Journal of Tianjin Normal University:Natural Science Edition
body mass index
triceps skinfold
subseapular skinfold
body fat ratio
Han in Jianghuai region