
大麦杂交后代籽粒主要黄酮类化合物含量与植株性状的相关分析 被引量:3

Correlation Analysis between Flavonoids Content and Agronomic Characters of Barley Grain
摘要 文章研究了12个大麦品种及其F1,F2代籽粒黄酮类化合物及其植株农艺性状的相关性,研究结果表明,槲皮素与芒色、叶色、穗子颜色相关性都较高,槲皮素含量与大麦不同部位色素含量有一定的相关性。主成分分析表明,第一主成分因子贡献率为57.01%,主要对应槲皮素、叶耳颜色、叶色、叶鞘色、叶杆色、穗子颜色、芒色的特征向量的分值较大,与总黄酮的关系更大,花色苷类物质对黄酮含量影响较大。 The correlation between flavonoids of 12 varieties of barley grain and its F1,F2 generations and agronomic traits was researched in this study.The results showed that the correlations between awn color,leaves,tassel color and quercetin were high.There was certain correlation between quercetin and pigment content of different barley parts.The results of principal component analysis showed that the contribution rate of the first principal component factor was 57.01%,and the eigenvector scores mainly corresponded to quercetin,ear leaf color,leaf color,leaf sheath color,leaf rod color,tassel color,awn color.The correlation between the first principal component factor and total flavonoids was more significant.Flavonoid content was influenced by anthocyanin substances.
出处 《西南农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期1774-1778,共5页 Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences
基金 现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资金(CARS-05) 国家自然科学基金(31260326)
关键词 大麦 相关分析 高效液相色谱 黄酮类化合物 农艺性状 Barley Correlation analysis HPLC Flavonoids Agronomic characters
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