
篇终接混茫——从《吊床》一诗谈詹姆斯·赖特的艺术之路 被引量:1

A Poem Ended with Ambiguity:A Study of James Wright's Artistic Career from the Analysis of One of His Short Poems
摘要 《在明尼苏达松树岛,躺在威廉·达菲农场的吊床上》是美国"深层意象"派代表诗人詹姆斯·赖特的名作。该诗突兀而抽象的结尾句"我浪费了我的生命"一直是学界争议的焦点。实际上,诗人的生命之叹消融于其物质生命、艺术生命与情感生命的历史轨迹。反过来看,当我们了解赖特的成长过程、艺术风格的形成与转变、以及浓烈的家园意识后,就能从本质上全面领悟该诗的意蕴和结尾句的旨趣。 The short poem "Lying in a Hammock at William Duffy's Farm in Pine Island, Minnesota" is one of the masterpieces by American deep imagist James Wright. The abrupt and abstract ending line "I have wasted my life" has been the focus that the academia has been disputing on since the publication of the poem. In effect, the poet's sighing of life is a complete embodiment of his physical life, artistic life and e- motive life. Conversely, after we have a full~ understanding of James Wright^s personal progress, the for- mation and transformation of his artistic style, and his strong home consciousness, we will come to have a true appreciation of the poem together with its ending line.
作者 肖小军
出处 《湛江师范学院学报》 2013年第5期81-87,共7页 Journal of Zhanjiang Normal College
基金 广东省2012年社科基金资助项目(GD12CWW)
关键词 詹姆斯·赖特 中国诗 家园意识 James Wright Chinese poetry home consciousness
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  • 1Gunn, Thorn. " Modes of Control," a review of The Branch Will Not Break in The Yale Review (1964), rep. in Peter Stitt and Frank Graziano, eds. James Wright : The Heart of the Light. Ann Arbor: the U- niversity of Michigan Press, 1990.
  • 2Williamson, Allan. "Language Against Itself: The Mid- dle Generation of Contemporary Poets ", in Introspection and Contemporary Poetry. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1984.
  • 3Stein, Kevin. "These Drafts and Castoffs: Mapping James Wright", in Kenyon Review , Summer 2009, New Series, Volume XXXI, Number 3.
  • 4Norton, Judy. Narcissus Sous Rature: Male Subjectivity in Contemporary American Poetry. Lewisburg: Bueknell UP, 1999.
  • 5Henricksen, Bruce. "Poetry Must Think" (an interview with James Wright published in 1978), rep. in Annie Wright, ed. James Wright: Collected Prose. Ann Ar- bor: U Michigan P, 1983.
  • 6Dougherty, David C. James Wright , Boston: Twayne Publishers A Division of G. K. Hall & Co. , 1987.
  • 7Bly, Robert. "A Wrong Turning of American Poetry", from American Poetry: Wildness and Domesticity, New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1990.
  • 8Lenfestey, James P. "Robert Bly, William Duffy, James Wright and The Fifties ," from Great River Review ,Spring/Summer 2010.
  • 9"Robert Bly and James Wright: A Correspondence", from Virginia Quarterly Review , January 1" , 2005.
  • 10Blunk, Jonathan. "A Brief Biography of James Wright' s Books", Great River Review , Spring/Summer2010, Issue 52, p77-89.











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