
巴文化研究活动的兴起及深入(上) 被引量:2

The Rise and Penetration of Research Activities of “Ba Culture”
摘要 巴文化研究活动的开展前后可分三个阶段:第一阶段(1930年~1949年),此阶段里由于考古发现资料很少,故研究者主要是从历史文献学方面着手研究,老一辈史学大师吴致华、顾颉刚、徐中舒、董作宾、童书业、卫聚贤等对巴、蜀民族的由来及相关问题进行了一些研究,并提出了“巴蜀文化”这一概念,这是巴蜀文化研究的第一个高潮;第二阶段(1950年~1979年),考古工作者在三峡地区开展了一些调查和发掘工作,据广元宝轮院、巴县冬笋坝、涪陵小田溪几处战国时期墓葬的发掘资料,结合相关历史文献记载,专家们提出了“巴文化”概念,进而认为这些战国时期的墓葬资料当属于“晚期巴文化遗存”.20世纪70年代,考古工作者在三峡东部地区陆续发现了一些新石器时代晚期和夏商时期人类居住遗址,对其文化性质,专家们分析认为应属于“早期巴文化遗存”.出版了一批具有影响的研究著作和研究论文,此乃巴文化研究的第二个高潮;第三阶段(1980年~2010年),考古工作者在三峡地区发掘出了大批巴人遗址和墓群,对巴文化起源由过去判断是在夏商时期的认识又向前追溯到新石器时代晚期.建立起了一批巴文化学术研究组织,举办了多次巴文化研究学术活动,创办了一些巴文化研究刊物,这一时期为巴文化学术研究活动的最高峰.文章对巴文化研究活动兴起与深入前后80余年研究活动情况进行了全面概述. There are three stages of the research activities of "Ba Culture". At the first stage, from 1930 to 1949, because of the shortage of archaeological material, the researchers mainly study from the historical document, and the older master of historiogra- phy, such as Wu Zhihua, Gu Jiegang, Xu Zhongshu, Dong Zuobin, Tong Shuye, Wei Juxian and etc., have conducted studies on the issue of the origin of Ba and Shu race and the related issues, and proposed the concept of Bashu culture, which is the first climate of the study. At the second stage, from 1950 to 1979, archaeologists conducted a series of investigation and excavation in the Three Gorges Area. According to the material excavated from the tombs of the Warring States Period in Guangyuan city, Ba County and Fulian County, combined with the related historical recordings, the experts put forward the concept of Ba culture, and believed that the tomb material of the period belonged to the remains of the latest Ba culture. In the 1970s, archaeologists found some human living relics of the latest Neolithic age and Xia-shang Dynasties. Based on the characteristic of the culture, the ex- perts believe it belonged to the relics of early Ba culture. A series of influential research papers and books were published, which is the second climate of Ba culture study. At the third stage, from 1980 to 2010, archaeologists discovered and excavated many relics and tombs of Ba people, in which the understanding of the origin of Ba culture is from Xia-shang Dynasties to the latest Neolithic age. A series of study organization of Ba culture were established, and scholastic activities were hold, and some study publications of Ba culture were established, which is the most important climax of Ba culture study. The rise and the penetration of the Ba culture study activities in the past 80 years were summarized in the paper.
作者 杨华 粟慧
出处 《重庆文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第6期1-9,共9页 Journal of Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社科基金项目"三峡地区夏商时期考古发现与研究"(项目号:08XKG001)阶段性成果
关键词 巴文化 巴蜀文化 考古发现 早期巴文化 晚期巴文化 学术研究活动 Ba culture Bashu culture archaeological discovery early Ba culture latest Ba culture research activities of scholarship
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