

A Study on Hotel Management Students' Acceptance with Hotel Information System Based on Theory of Reasoned Action
摘要 以TRA理论为基础,通过对酒店管理专业学生信息系统接受程度的实证研究,分析目前酒店管理专业学生信息系统采用认知、态度及意向等基本心理状况,探讨不同的客观环境和个体特征下酒店管理专业学生信息系统采用心理的区别,在酒店管理专业人才培养方面提出了有意义的结论。 Based on Theory of Reasoned Action and the investigation of those students of hotel management, this study discusses their perception, attitude and intention towards hotel information sys- tem, and compares their psychological difference under different environment and individual demo- graphics, This paper offers some theoretical and practical conclusion for improvement of students' re- sources management of hospitality.
作者 沙绍举 陈琦
出处 《重庆理工大学学报(社会科学)》 CAS 2013年第10期59-62,共4页 Journal of Chongqing University of Technology(Social Science)
基金 全国高职高专旅游管理类教育科研十二五规划2011年度课题(GLJKT201102059)
关键词 TRA理论 酒店管理专业 信息系统 TRA hotel management hotel information system
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