
投入差异化对复杂网络公共物品博弈的影响 被引量:4

Effects of Donation-diversity in Public Goods Game on Complex Networks
摘要 近年来,空间公共物品博弈的相关研究都以参与者投入均质化作为前提,但这一假设具有很大的局限性。针对投入差异性对复杂网络上公共物品演化博弈过程的作用,提出了一种新的基于投入差异性的复杂网络公共物品模型。该模型以BA无标度网络为博弈空间,参与者根据其社会差异度更新策略,每轮博弈结束时,参与者都计算自己在各个博弈邻域的收益以及总收益,并以此确定下一周期在各个博弈邻域的投入。同时,考察这一机制下,合作密度与增益因子、社会差异度的关系。通过仿真分析发现,这种投入差异化机制可以快速地促成种群合作到达稳态,并且在较高的增益因子情况下提升合作水平,降低合作水平对网络结构差异性的敏感度。 Recent researches have presented that homogenous donation is a very important assumption in the spatial public-goods game( PGG). However,abundant real examples imply that donation diversity could be a very important mechanism impacting cooperation level in the PGG,in a more complicated way instead of simply promoting the cooperation density. A new PGG model involving donation diversity was presented under the context of complex networks. The model was based on Barabasi-Albert scale-free networks and effects of donation diversity can be examined. In a term of the PGG,individuals updated their strategies according to their social diversity. At the end of every term of the game,individuals counted their payoffs from every neighborhood( local payoffs) and overall payoffs,and then decided their donation to each neighborhood in the next term,according to the proportion of local payoffs to overall payoffs. Finally,the relationship among cooperation density,multiplication factor,social diversity and average degree was investigated. The simulation results suggested that the donation diversity can rapidly facilitate cooperation to a stable level. With bigger multiplication factor,donation diversity promoted the cooperation level better. It was mentionable that donation diversity can obviously decrease cooperation density's sensitivity to social diversity.
出处 《四川大学学报(工程科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期88-93,共6页 Journal of Sichuan University (Engineering Science Edition)
关键词 复杂网络 演化博弈 公共物品博弈 合作涌现 complex networks evolutionary game public goods game cooperation emergence
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