
高压氧治疗对脊髓损伤大鼠脾脏组织病理的影响 被引量:5

Effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on splenocytes in rats with spinal cord injury
摘要 目的:探讨高压氧治疗对脊髓损伤大鼠脾脏组织病理的影响。方法:40只SD大鼠随机数字表法分为4组:空白对照组(n=10)、脊髓损伤对照组(n=10)、高压氧处理对照组(n=10)和脊髓损伤高压氧治疗组(n=10)。脊髓损伤对照组和脊髓损伤高压氧治疗组采用改良Allen’s法制作T8~T9急性脊髓损伤大鼠模型。空白对照组和脊髓损伤对照组大鼠正常饲养。不进行高压氧处理;高压氧处理对照组和脊髓损伤高压氧治疗组大鼠每间隔24h进行1次高压氧处理,每天1次,连续14d。实验结束后,取各组大鼠脾脏标本电子显微镜下进行观察。结果:空白对照组大鼠脾细胞排列整齐、规则,结构清晰,细胞核居中,呈椭圆形。脊髓损伤对照组较空白对照组大鼠脾脏淋巴细胞、网状细胞等实质细胞弥漫性减少,胞质密度不均匀。血管内红细胞淤积,脾细胞凋亡后被胶质细胞等替代。高压氧处理对照组大鼠脾细胞间隙增宽,胞浆、胞质均匀,细胞排列相对整齐、规则,结构清晰,细胞核居中,呈椭圆形。脊髓损伤高压氧治疗组大鼠脾细胞及淋巴细胞增殖旺盛.细胞核染色深,细胞排列致密且较规则,细胞间隙小。结论:高压氧治疗对大鼠脊髓损伤后脾细胞损伤具有保护作用。 Objective:To explore the effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on splenocytes in rats with spinal cord injury. Methods: Forty SD rats were randomly allocated to the normal control group( group NC, n = 10), spinal cord injury control group( group SCI ,n = 10), hyperbaric oxygen treatment control group (group HOT, tt = 10) and hyperbaric oxygen therapy for spinal cord injury group (group SCI-HOT, n = 10), respectively. In groups SCI and SCI-HOT, the modified Allen's method was employed to construct the acute Ts-T9 spinal cord injury model in rats ,whilst hyperbaric oxygen therapy was spared in groups NC and HOT. In groups HOT and SCI-HOT, hyperbaric oxygen therapy was administered once daily every other 24 h for 14 consecutive days. The spleens of all groups were subjected to electron microscopic examination at the end of the study. Results: In group NC, the splenocytes appeared well-ordered and had a characteristic architecture, with their oval-shaped nuclei being positioned centrally to the cell. Apart from a ubiquitously reduced number of parenchymal cells( i. e. lymphocytes and reticular cells) whose cytoplasmic density was heterogeneous, group SCI was characterized by intravascular red blood cell stagnation and a preponderance of gliocytes following splenocyte apoptosis. In group HOT, the splenocytes were noted as having a widened intercellular gap and homogeneous cytoplasm. These splenocytes were well-ordered and had a characteristic architecture, with their oval-shaped nuclei being positioned centrally. Intensive proliferation of splenocytes and lymphocytes which were densely and regularly ordered, with heavily stained nuclei and reduced intercellular gap, was demonstrated in group SCI-HOT. Conclusion: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has a protective effect on spienocyte injury in rats with SCI.
出处 《广州医学院学报》 2013年第3期35-37,44,共4页 Academic Journal of Guangzhou Medical College
基金 广东省科技计划项目(2010B031600264) 广州市留学人员专项资金项目(20120717)
关键词 高压氧 脊髓损伤 显微镜检查 电子 透射 hyperbaric oxygenation spinal cord injury spleen microscopy electron transmission
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