
刘曼卿在西藏与中央政府之间正常关系恢复中的地位和作用 被引量:5

Liu Manqin's Status and Influence in the Recovery of the Normal Tibet-Central Relationship
摘要 刘曼卿在西藏地方与中央正常关系恢复中具有独特的地位与作用。自1911年以来没有中央官员入藏,国民政府必须解决此一问题,刘曼卿是入藏沟通意见的最佳人选。她不畏艰险,取道康藏,"打破一二十年来康藏和内地不交通的记录。"在拉萨的三个月里,她同十三世达赖进行两次会谈,并频繁与噶厦上层人物会谈,到哲蚌寺、甘丹寺、色拉寺等寺庙与喇嘛交谈,宣传国民党的三民主义,交换恢复西藏地方与中央正常关系的意见。十三世达赖表达了维护国家统一、民族团结的政治态度,要求国民政府重视边疆。国民政府给予刘曼卿应有的评价。 Liu Manqin has a unique status and special influence in the recovery of normal Tibet-central relationship.After 1911,there had been no official from the central government in Tibet.The National Government had to solve this problem.Liu Manqin was the best candidate to go to Tibet for communication.She was fearless to the dangers to go to Tibet by way of Xikang and"broke the record of no visit between Xikang-Tibet and the hinterland."During the three months in Lhasa,she had two meetings with the 13th Dalai Lama,frequently met with senior officials of the Kashag,and visited the Drepung,Ganden,and Sera monasteries to talk to the lamas to advertise Kuomintang's Three Principles of the People and to exchange opinions on the recovery of normal relationship between the Tibetan locality and the central.The 13th Dalai Lama expressed his political attitude to support state unity and national solidarity,and requested the National Government to pay attention to the borderlands.The National Government paid due respects for Liu Manqin.
作者 张皓
出处 《中国延安干部学院学报》 2013年第5期79-88,共10页 Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Yan’an
基金 2013年度国家社科基金项目<蒙藏委员会委员长更迭与国民政府治藏政策演变轨迹研究>(批准号为13BMZ032)的阶段性成果之一
关键词 刘曼卿 女特使 十三世达赖 Liu Manqin female special envoy 13th Dalai Lama
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