
地图学和地图何去何从 被引量:21

Cartography and Maps-Where to Go
摘要 慕尼黑工业大学制图系拥有一支国际化的教学和研究团队,其成员的知识结构涵盖测绘工程、地理学、电子工程和通讯技术、环境工程、交通工程以及计算机科学等多元化的学科。回顾这个团队最近十年的教学和研究活动,作者概述了一系列博士论文在空间数据集成、时空数据建模和事件识别、多制式导航服务、三维城市模型可视化以及以用户为中心的地图设计等研究方向的阶段性成果。这些基层研究工作受到多媒体技术、急剧增长的地理数据量以及不断变化的地图用户行为的驱动,充分体现出地图学是一门集科学、技术和艺术为一体的综合性学科。通过分析地图学面临的研究瓶颈和原因,作者指出大数据和众包现象是未来十年地图学研究的两个新的驱动力。地图生产和更新将由"面向覆盖"转向"面向要素"。越来越多的地图服务将从不完整、不确定和动态变化着的数据流中实时派生而来。而开放式制图平台的广大网络用户则可以作为受试者提供大量的用图行为信息,以期弥补地图可用性研究的不足。 The international research team at the Department of Cartography, Technical University of Munich (TUM) shares an interdisciplinary knowledge profile that covers geodetic engineering, geography, electrical engi- neering and communication technology, environmental engineering, transportation engineering, and computer sci- ences. Starting from a retrospective view of the research activities conducted by this team in the recent decade and an analysis of emerging challenges and opportunities for professional cartographers, the author presents a perspec- tive of cartographic research in the next decade. The research highlights in more than a dozen accomplished doctor- al theses are synoptically demonstrated. The addressed research topics range from geospatial data integration, spa- tio-temporal data modelling and event detection, routing and navigation services, and 3D visualization to user-cen- tred design of map services. These grass-root efforts have prototypically mirrored the mainstreams in cartographic science, technology and art. The conducted research works were essentially driven by the media revolutions, the ex- ponentially growing geodata and the changing behaviour of map users. For upcoming years, the two related new driving forces-big data and crowdsourcing will likely dominate the cartographic research agenda, forcing cartogra- phers to think big and think outside the box. A shift of map production and updating workflow from coverage-orien- tation to feature-orientation is anticipated. Map services will be increasingly created from evolving data streams that are neither complete nor certain. Some of the long-lasting research gaps in usability studies may be bridged by means of controlled erowdsourcing.
作者 孟立秋
机构地区 慕尼黑工业大学
出处 《测绘科学技术学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期334-342,共9页 Journal of Geomatics Science and Technology
关键词 地图学 空间数据集成 大数据 众包 可用性 cartography spatial data integration big data crowdsourcing usability
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