目的 探讨人PSP94和肿瘤坏死因子α衍生物 11a(TNFαD11a)融合基因 (PSP94 TNFαD11a)直接注射的抗肿瘤作用。 方法 人前列腺癌裸鼠模型肌肉注射含PSP94 TNFαD11a融合基因的pcDNA PSP94 TNFαD11a质粒DNA ,剂量为 5 0 μg/只 ,同时设 pcDNA PSP94、pcDNA3 .0空载体、生理盐水和环磷酰胺对照组。注射后第 2 0d处死动物 ,称瘤重计算抑瘤率。 结果 pcD NA PSP94 TNFαD11a组抑瘤率为 2 3% ,为 pcDNA PSP94组的 1.4倍。以同样方式给药 ,pcDNA PSP94 TNFαD11a质粒DNA对小鼠Lewis肺癌的抑制率为 31% ,为pcDNA TNFαD11a组的 2 .1倍。结论 pcDNA PSP94 TNFαD11a质粒DNA的直接注射具有抗肿瘤作用。
Objective To study the antitumor effect of PSP94-TNFα D11a fusion gene . Me-thods PSP94-TNFα D11a cDNA cloned pcDNA3.0(50μg) was injected subcutaneously into muscle of naked mouse model of human prostatic cancer. pcDNA-PSP94, pcDNA3.0 empty vector, physiological salt solution and cyclophosphamide were used as controls. The tumor was weighted and the antitumor effect calculated. Results The antitumor rate of pcDNA-PSP94-TNFα D11a was 23% in the experimental group,1.4 times higher than the pcDNA-PSP94 group. For mouse Lewis lung tumor, the antitumor rate of pcDNA-PSP94-TNFα D11a was 31%, 2.1 times higher than pcDNA-TNFα D11a. Conclusions pcDNA-PSP94-TNFα D11a vector showed an antitumor effect on direct injection.
Chinese Journal of Urology