
体视学研究的辅助工具:现状与展望 被引量:4

Assisting tools in stereological studies:current status and perspectives
摘要 生物组织显微镜下的形态定量研究,涉及固定、脱水、包埋、切片、染色、视野抽样和测试等一系列步骤。有助于这些步骤的工具就是体视学研究的辅助工具。目前市面有售的主要辅助工具是体视学图像系统,它包含电脑图像与测格系统、机动显微镜载物台以及载物台Z轴位移测量仪等。还有一些曾用过的或者可能开发应用的辅助工具,有如等距刀片机、包埋模具和数据记录仪。本文对此进行了系统性的评述,以供体视学应用时参考。 Stereological studies of biological tissues under the microscope involve a series of procedures including fixation, dehydration, embedding, sectioning, staining, sampling and measurement of fields of view, etc. The assisting tools in stereological studies are those that facilitate the procedures. A key assisting tool currently available on the market is the stereotogy image system which includes a computer image and grid system, a motorized microscope stage, a stage Z-axis position measurement device, etc. Some other assisting tools that were used or are potentially developable and useful are systematic slicers, embedding molds, date recorders, etc. They are reviewed systematically in this article, and hope to be helpful for application of stereology.
作者 杨正伟
出处 《中国体视学与图像分析》 2013年第3期249-254,共6页 Chinese Journal of Stereology and Image Analysis
基金 2012-2013学科发展研究项目(体视学学科发展报告)
关键词 体视学 辅助工具 stereology assisting tools
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