
成都市在园儿童手足口病病原携带情况调查 被引量:4

Investigation on carrier status of pathogens of hand,foot and mouth disease among children in Chengdu kindergartens
摘要 目的了解成都市不同托幼机构在园儿童手足口病常见病原携带情况,为分析手足口病发病规律、科学防控提供基础数据和科学依据。方法采用分层随机抽样,采集不同经济圈层、不同季节、城镇与农村托幼机构健康在园儿童549份咽拭子,以荧光PCR检测手足口病相关病毒:肠道病毒通用(EV)、柯萨奇病毒A16型(CA16)、肠道病毒71型(EV71)。结果核酸结果显示,549份样品中检出EV71阳性9份(阳性率1.63%),其他肠道病毒27份(阳性率4.92%),未检出CA16,总阳性率6.6%。统计学分析结果显示,城镇与农村差异不显著(χ2=0.080,P=0.777>0.05),性别差异不显著(χ2=0.097,P=0.756>0.05),但经济圈层和流行季节有差异(前者χ2=4.497,P=0.034<0.05;后者χ2=5.925,P=0.0.015<0.05)。结论成都市在园儿童手足口病病原携带率在不同经济圈层和不同季节有所差异,可能与发病有关,应有针对性的开展防控工作。 Objective To understand the carrier status of pathogens of hand, foot and mouth disease among children in Chengdu kindergartens, so as to provide basic information and scientfic basis for the disease prevention and control. Methods Five hundred and forty - nine throat swabs of children in kindergartens were collected by stratified random sampling with different e-conomic spheres, epidemic seasons, in both urban and rural areas, to detect the enterovirus (EV) , coxsackie virus 16 (CA16) and enterovirus 71 ( EV71 ) by fluorescent PCR. Results According to the fluorescent PCR results, 9 samples were positive for EVT1 ( 1.63% ), 27 samples were positive for other enterovirus(4.92% ), without CA16 positive. The total positive rate was 6.6% in 549 samples. There were significant differences among different economic spheres and epidemic seasons(χ2 = 4. 497, P =0.034 〈0.05 andx2 =5. 925, P =0.0015 〈 0. 05 respectively), but there was no statistical difference between urban and rural areas (χ2 = 0. 080, P = 0. 777 〉 0.05 ) and genders (χ2 = 0. 097, P = 0.756 〉 0.05 ). Conclusion The pathogens carrier rates were different among different economic spheres and epidemic seasons in Chengdu, which may related to the disease incidence. Therefore, targeted prevention and control is needed for hand, foot and mouth disease.
出处 《中国卫生检验杂志》 北大核心 2013年第12期2670-2672,共3页 Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology
基金 四川省卫生厅2009年科研课题(090092)
关键词 手足口病 病原携带 在园儿童 Hand, foot and mouth disease Carrier status of pathogen Children in kindergartens
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