根据 CAI发展的趋和教育测量理论 ,结合“电机学”课程的特点 ,讨论了题库系统的设计思想和实现方法 ,实现了《电机学》题库系统的建立。本系统具有界面友好、功能齐全、操作方便等特点 ,对学生学习《电机学》和教师组卷都有一定的帮助作用。通过两届学生的使用 。
In this article,according to the development of Computer Assisted instruction(CAI) and theory of electromechanic class,it is discussed that the theory of creating a Database system and redlization method,Then establishs the electromechanics' test questions Database system with Visual Basic 6.0 in Windows.The system has a good perface,and the user can operate it easily,it's helpful for the students to study the electromechanic and for the teachers to make the problems.
Journal of Electrical and Electronic Education