欧洲泌尿外科学会(The European Association of Urology,EAU)2013年发表了新的《EAU男性性功能障碍指南(2013年版)》(以下简称《指南》)。在ED和PE的流行病学、诊断、治疗等方面做了论述。本文通过对《指南》中PDE5i解读,旨在帮助全科医生更加合理应用PDE5i。
The European Association of Urology (EAU) published new Guidelines on Male Sexual Dysfunction in 2013. In this guideline, EAU discussed erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation from the perspective of epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment. This article aims to help general practitioners to apply PDESi more properly in clinics by interpreting the new EAU Guidelines.
Chinese Journal of Human Sexuality