
团队过程、共享心智模式与组织绩效:机理与路径 被引量:4

The Team Process,Shared Mental Model and Organizational Performance: Mechanism and Path
摘要 一个组织的团队过程对形成其团队的共享心智模式起着关键性的作用,进而影响其组织的绩效。基于将"团队过程—共享心智模式—组织绩效"三者之间的影响机理与路径进行相关性研究,并构建一个全新的理论模型,以结构方程模型方法对山西某农村商业银行的21家支行进行了研究,结果表明:从团队过程到组织绩效存在黑箱机理,共享心智模式在团队过程变量和组织绩效之间发挥了重要作用。 The team process of an organization plays the key role in the formation of the team shared mental model, and then influence the organization performance. The article carries out the relevant research on the influence mechanism and path of "team process-shared mental model-organizational performance", construct a new theoretical model with the method of structural equation model and research 21 sub-branches in Shanxi rural commercial bank. The results show that there exists the black box from the team process to the organization performance, shared mental models played an important role between the team process variables and organizational performance.
出处 《河北经贸大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期110-116,131,共8页 Journal of Hebei University of Economics and Business
基金 北京交通大学科研项目"基于耗散结构理论的高科技企业组织变革模式研究"的支持(原项目编码:2011YJS229 项目编号:B11JB00470)
关键词 团队过程 共享心智模式 组织绩效 黑箱机理 团队精神 team process shared mental model organizational performance black-box mechanism team spirit
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