

Application of refined management in standardizing the management of multidrug-resistant bacteria
摘要 目的解决多药耐药菌管理中末端执行力不足的问题,探讨有效管理模式。方法运用精细化管理的理念与方法,规范多药耐药菌管理的各项措施。结果有效地控制多药耐药菌在院内传播,未发生多药耐药菌医院感染暴发,实现了质量持续改进。结论精细化管理有效提高执行力和环节质量,有效实现全员管理。 OBJECTIVE To solve the problems in the end execution of management of multidrug-resistant bacteria so as to explore the effective management mode. METHODS The refined management concepts and methods were adopted to standardize the measures of management of the multidrug-resistant bacteria. RESULTS The refined management has effectively controlled the spread of the multidrug-resistant bacteria, the multidrug-resistant bacteria infections did not occur, and the continuous quality improvement has been achieved. CONCLUSION The refined management can effectively improve the execution power and the link quality and achieve the full staff management.
机构地区 解放军第
出处 《中华医院感染学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第21期5286-5287,共2页 Chinese Journal of Nosocomiology
关键词 精细化管理 多药耐药菌 质量 Refined management Multidrug-resistant bacteria Quality
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