

Analysis on the Concept,Basis and Path of the New Type of Relationship between Major Countries
摘要 当今世界,以敌我分明、对抗冲突、零和博弈为主要特征的传统大国关系正逐渐被以相互尊重、协商合作、互利共赢为核心的新型关系所取代。党的十八大报告提出要"推动建立长期稳定健康发展的新型大国关系",构建以尊重为前提、合作为途径、共赢为目标的新型大国关系是世界和平发展的大势使然,是国际社会的共同期盼。对比新旧大国关系的内涵、特征,剖析构建新型大国关系的时代条件和现实意义,分析中国构建新型大国关系的路径,具有一定的现实和理论意义。 Nowadays, the characteristics of the relationships between traditional powers are hostile, conflicting and zero-sum, which are gradually replaced by new type of relations between Major countries, these characteristics are enduring peace, mutually beneficial to cooperation and common prosperity. The claim of Promote the establishment of long-term stable and healthy development of a new type of relations between major countries was put forward in the 18th CPC National Congress, Yang Jiechi, China' s Minister of Foreign Affairs, pointed out that building a new type of relations between major powers in which takes respect as the precondition, cooperation as the path, and win-win as the goal has become the general trend of peace and development of the world. It is also the common ex- pectation of the international community. This paper aims to compare and probe into the connotations and character- istics of the old and new relationships among powers, and analyze realistic condition, practical significance and the constructing path of the construction of the new type of relations between major countries.
作者 李海龙 毕颖
出处 《石家庄经济学院学报》 2013年第5期112-116,132,共6页 Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics
关键词 新型大国关系 内涵 时代背景 建构途径 new type of relations between major countries connotation time background constructing path
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