This paper examines the development of economic geography and proposes a new framework for further development of this research area. Previous studies on economic geography placed too much emphasis on practice of several developed countries, geographical background of several economies, and fundamental principals of economics rather than on geography. By overcoming this weakness, this study proposes a new framework of economic geography which is specifically situated at the special geographical context of Chinese economic development. This framework attempts to stress on special relationship among population, resources and environment, on special relationship between government and society, on special cultural tradition, and on special academic philosophy. Compared with current main steam economic geography, economic development, man-land harmony, important role played by government, inter-regional relationship among regions under national territory, and close links with physical geography, become foci in this proposal. Moreover, methodologies of both scientific research and social science research are imbalanced. Six important issues under this framework are suggested in Chinese economic geography: (1) changing economic geography after fast economic growth during the past several decades, (2) geographical consequence of involving or overcoming the middle-income trap at both the national and regional levels, (3) regional development and spatial structure of economic actors (enterprises, households and non-government organizations) with strong government intervention, (4) coordinated development among agricultural modernization, urbanization, industrialization and informatization, (5) man-land harmony and regional development, and (6) evolution of spatial patterns of rural settlements during the long history and recently under rapid rural-urban migration. China is a big country with many unique factors affecting economic development, thus, economic geography in China deserves much more attention in the discipline of economic geography in the world.
Geographical Research
economic geography
disciplinary development
Chinese characteristics
man-land harmony