
经济地理学发展审视与新构思 被引量:21

Development evaluation and new framework proposal of economic geography
摘要 分析了现今国际经济地理学发展中基于少数发达国家的经济发展、基于少数国家地理背景、基于经济学原理的偏颇,提出基于中国特殊的地理环境、特殊的人口、资源、环境关系、特殊的政府与社会关系、特殊文化、特殊的学科背景建立中国特色的经济地理学。中国特色的经济地理学应侧重经济社会发展、侧重人地和谐,侧重政府的特殊作用、侧重国内区域间关系与全球的影响、侧重与自然地理的关系,在研究中注重自然科学方法与社会科学方法的兼顾。中国持续高速增长的经济地理研究、中等收入陷阱的国家与地区跨越、政府特殊作用下的区域发展、城镇化、信息化、工业化与农业现代化关系、人地和谐与区域发展、农村聚落格局的演变趋势等,均可作为重要的研究问题。 This paper examines the development of economic geography and proposes a new framework for further development of this research area. Previous studies on economic geography placed too much emphasis on practice of several developed countries, geographical background of several economies, and fundamental principals of economics rather than on geography. By overcoming this weakness, this study proposes a new framework of economic geography which is specifically situated at the special geographical context of Chinese economic development. This framework attempts to stress on special relationship among population, resources and environment, on special relationship between government and society, on special cultural tradition, and on special academic philosophy. Compared with current main steam economic geography, economic development, man-land harmony, important role played by government, inter-regional relationship among regions under national territory, and close links with physical geography, become foci in this proposal. Moreover, methodologies of both scientific research and social science research are imbalanced. Six important issues under this framework are suggested in Chinese economic geography: (1) changing economic geography after fast economic growth during the past several decades, (2) geographical consequence of involving or overcoming the middle-income trap at both the national and regional levels, (3) regional development and spatial structure of economic actors (enterprises, households and non-government organizations) with strong government intervention, (4) coordinated development among agricultural modernization, urbanization, industrialization and informatization, (5) man-land harmony and regional development, and (6) evolution of spatial patterns of rural settlements during the long history and recently under rapid rural-urban migration. China is a big country with many unique factors affecting economic development, thus, economic geography in China deserves much more attention in the discipline of economic geography in the world.
作者 李小建
出处 《地理研究》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第10期1865-1877,共13页 Geographical Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41071082)
关键词 经济地理学 学科发展 中国特色 人地和谐 economic geography disciplinary development Chinese characteristics man-land harmony
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