
有限元/离散元耦合分析方法及其工程应用 被引量:5

Coupling Analysis of FEM/DEM for Whole Failure Process of Rock Slope and Its Engineering Application
摘要 基于有限元/离散元(FEM/DEM)耦合分析方法,引入单一裂纹和弥散裂纹的综合模型作为节理单元的应力应变关系及破坏准则,通过节理单元的起裂、扩展和失效来实现岩体裂纹的萌生和扩展的模拟.以巴西劈裂试验对该模型进行了验证.并以罗富高速公路典型边坡为工程背景,分析了其在暴雨和地震作用下的滑坡发生机理.计算表明,暴雨作用下该边坡易发生局部破坏,暴雨和地震综合作用下会发生整体滑动. It is difficult to simulate the whole process of rock slope deformation and failure, however, it is very necessary to do so in practical engineering. With the help of the FEM/DEM, the integrated single and smeared crack mode was adopted to analyze the initiation and propagation of the rock mass. Then, this model was checked by Brazilian disk splitting tests. Finally, a typical slope of Luo-Fu Highway was ana- lyzed using the procedure. In case of storm and earthquake, partial slide or overall slide happens. In case of storm, partial slide happens; however, in case of both storm and earthquake, overall slide happens.
作者 俞韶秋 汤华
出处 《上海交通大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第10期1611-1615,共5页 Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University
关键词 有限元 离散元 破裂模型 连续-非连续 边坡 finite element method/discrete element method(FEM/DEM) crack model continuous to discontinuous slope failure
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