
福柯、阿多诺和跨文化研究观念——纪念阿多诺诞辰110周年 被引量:3

摘要 跨文化研究明显受到福柯"异托邦"观念的激励,积极致力于对西方中心论的解构。但是,它并没有真正把握"异托邦"的精神实质。以阿多诺的《否定的辩证法》为参考重新审视"异托邦"就会发现:"异托邦"就是阿多诺的"星丛"在福柯那里的直接对应物,它们是同一性批判或权力批判的结果而非目的,并且都要求走向具体的理论实践。因此,跨文化研究观念不可避免地存在着同一性的魅影:首先是实存的同一性原则(现代市场经济原则)的改头换面,即根据现代构想出来的前现代中国;其次是废墟的审美化,即把被同一性不自觉毁坏了的客体景观当做客体自身;最后是趣味的暴政,即以个人趣味之名行西方中心论之实。超越或克服这些同一性魅影归根结底还是要取决于哲学或形而上学自身,即哲学或形而上学能否通过否定性的自我批判克服自己施加于自身的束缚,实现自我的重生。
作者 张亮
出处 《学术研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第10期20-25,共6页 Academic Research
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  • 1Jacques Derrida, Writing and Difference, trans., Alan Bass, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1978, p.28.
  • 2Mark Edmundson, Literature Against Philosophy,Plato to Derrida: A Defence of Poetry, Cambridge and New York:Cambridge University Press, 1995, p. 153.
  • 3http://www.academia.edu/3837680/Foucaults_Heterotopia_-_bibliography_under_topic_headings_165_items, 2013-7-20.
  • 4Peter Johnson, “Unravelling Foucault’s ‘different spaces’ ” , History of The Human Sciences, vol. 19, no,4,pp.75-90.
  • 5Gilles Deleuze, Negotiations,1972-1990,trans., Martin Joughin, New York: Columbia University Press, 1995,p.95.
  • 6Alex Honneth, The Critique of Power: Reflective Stages in a Critical Social Theory, trans.,Kenneth Baynes, Cambridge,Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1995,chapter 3, 6.
  • 7Axel Honneth, The Fragmented World of the Social: Essays in Social and Political Philosophy, Albany, New York: SUN-Y Press, 1995,pp.121-134.
  • 8Michel Foucault, “The Order of Discourse”,Untying The Text: A Post-structuralist Reader,ed.,Robert Young,Bostonand London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981,p.74.
  • 9Walter Benjamin, The Origin of German Tragic Drama, trans., John Osbome, London: Verso, 1998, p.34.
  • 10Theodor W. Adorno, Negative Dialectic,trans” E.B Ashton, London: Routledge, 1973,p.166,162,XX, 127,40,408.


  • 1仰海峰.后现代语境与马克思哲学总体性概念的再思考[J].现代哲学,2004(4):1-10. 被引量:14
  • 2杨大春.梅洛-庞蒂哲学中的诗意之思或非哲学倾向[J].文史哲,2005(2):127-133. 被引量:5
  • 3Blanchot M. Michel Foucault as I Imagine Him[M]// Michel Foucault,Maurice Blanchot. Foucault-Blanchot,MauriceBlanchot:The Thought from Outside,Michel Foucault as I Imagine Him. New York:Zone Books,1987.
  • 4Laertius D. The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers[M]. London:H. G. Bohn,1853.
  • 5Aristotle. Eudemian Ethics[M]// The Complete Works of Aristotle Vol 2. Princeton,N.J.:Princeton University Press,1991.
  • 6Derrida J. Adieu to Emmanuel Levinas[M]. Stanford,California:Stanford University Press,1999.
  • 7Blanchot M. Our Clandestine Companion[M]//Maurice Blanchot. Political Writings,1953-1993. New York:Fordham University Press,2010.
  • 8Blanchot M. Friendship[M]// Maurice Blanchot,Friendship. Stanford,California:Stanford University Press,1997.
  • 9Foucault M. Maurice Blanchot:The Thought from Outside[M]// Michel Foucault,Maurice Blanchot. Foucault-Blanchot,Maurice Blanchot:The Thought from Outside,Michel Foucault as I Imagine Him. New York:Zone Books,1987.
  • 10Foucault M. Power/Knowledge:Selected Interviews and Other Writings,1972-1977[C]. New York:PantheonBooks,1980.








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