
基于轮流出价模型的贷款定价与仿真模拟 被引量:4

The Loan Pricing and Simulation Basing on Bargaining Game Model
摘要 利率市场化后商业银行与企业在贷款定价中都拥有一定的定价权,因此在谈判中如何合理利用博弈规则谋求收益最大化是一个具有重要现实意义的研究课题。本文基于Rubinstein的轮流出价模型,分析了市场化条件下商业银行与企业间贷款利率的价格形成机制,求解了不同出价次序下的博弈模型结果并进行仿真模拟,认为贷款利率由双方博弈能力决定,且达成均衡的贷款定价受到商业银行与企业相对规模大小的影响。最后基于结论提出了适当增加规模,选择合适的议价对象等贷款定价建议。 With the liberalization of interest rate, both commercial banks and enterprises will have their own pricing power in the loan pricing to seek the profit maximization, so how to make use of the game theory properly in the negotiation is worth discussing. Basing on bargaining game model, this paper analyzed the pricing mecha- nism between commercial banks and enterprises. The results of the model show that the loan interested is deter- mined by gaming power of both sides. And the equalized price will be influenced by the relative sizes of commer- cial banks and enterprises. In conclusion, to reach a better pricing result, it is advisable to properly increase the scale and to choose an appropriate bargainer.
出处 《中央财经大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第10期25-30,共6页 Journal of Central University of Finance & Economics
基金 国家社科基金重大项目"完善宏观金融调控体系研究--基于针对性 灵活性和前瞻性的视角"(12&ZD046) 教育部人文社科基金"后金融危机时代公开市场操作的新动向与传导机理研究"(13YJA790083) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金"资本约束下的货币政策传导机制研究"(20110202) 武汉大学70后团队研究计划资助项目的阶段性成果
关键词 利率市场化 讨价还价 贷款定价 Liberalization of interest rate Bargain Loan pricing.
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