
性别刻板印象对有意图特质推理的影响:性别图式的调节作用 被引量:6

Gender Stereotypes and Intentional Trait Inferences:Moderating of Gender Schematicity
摘要 目的:考察个体性别图式在性别刻板印象影响有意图特质推理中的调节作用。方法:从某高校选取243名大学生,利用Bem性别角色量表筛选出性别图式化被试86人,非图式化被试117人,比较两组被试的有意图特质推理受性别刻板印象影响的情况。结果:对于性别图式化个体来说,性别刻板印象没有促进他们对刻板一致行为的有意图特质推理,却促进了他们对刻板不一致行为的有意图特质推理;对于性别非图式化个体来说,性别刻板印象既不影响他们对刻板一致行为的有意图特质推理,也不影响他们对刻板不一致行为的有意图特质推理。结论:性别图式在性别刻板印象对个体有意图特质推理的影响中起调节作用。 Objective: The present study was performed to examine the effect of gender stereotypes on intentional trait inferences and the moderating role of gender schematicity. Methods: The Bern Sex Role Inventory was administered to 243 undergraduates to categorize them into gender-schematics(n=86) and gender-aschematics(n=117). Results: For gen- der-schematic participants, compared to the baseline, they made stronger intentional trait inferences for gender stereotype- inconsistent behaviors. It suggested facilitatory effects of gender stereotypes on intentional trait inferences from stereotype- inconsistent behaviors for gender-schematics. However, none of these effects were observed in gender-asehematic partici- pants. It implied that gender stereotypes didn't influence the intentional trait inference processes for gender-asehematics. Conclusion: These results suggest a moderating role of gender schematicity in the influence of gender stereotypes on par- ticipants' intentional trait inferences from actors' behaviors.
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期739-742,738,共5页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(312711040) 山东省国际科技合作项目(SD12032) 济南大学科研基金项目(B1102和X1144)经费资助
关键词 性别刻板印象 有意图特质推理 性别图式 Gender stereotypes Intentional trait inferences Gender schematicity
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